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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Dachshunds are Jealous

A Dachshund can be jealous of anything they believe will come between them and their owners.

I like to read a little bit before I go to bed at night. Dolly will come up and start giving the book an evil look. She will sit and stare for a bit then she will walk up to my face and stand on it while licking my forehead. if I put the book down she runs off ready to play. I put a stop to it by playing with her before I read. I enjoy the game we play anyway. If I am in my recliner and using my laptop she will start staring at it. She has not figured out a foolproof way of diverting me from it but I can tell she's jealous.She only does this when the weather is nice and she's trying to get me to go outside with her.  She will not do it at night because it's my habit to get on it after we have been outside. Morning is not OK in her well ordered little world.

If I give the cats too much attention she gets slightly jealous. I don't worry about ignoring them because when they feel deprived they will force themselves on you. I have cats on or near me 24/7 except when I am outside. Two of the three are scared to go out. When Misty is out she only wants a minute or two of attention from me and it does not bother Dolly. I do use the jealousy factor to my benefit.  Before Dolly the cats were compelled to sleep on me at bedtime.  I'd wake up at night from pain in my lower legs caused by Calley who likes to sleep on my shins putting all her weight on one small spot. Or I might wake up to find Misty on my chest. I have problems with breathing at night and use a CPAP machine. A cat on your chest does not help at all. You run them off they come right back after you go back to sleep. Dolly keeps them ran off.

I don't worry about her hurting them. I worry about them hurting her. Those cats used to run big dogs out of our yard. Calley once tried keeping our lab from eating his food and she was just a kitten at the time. The cats will not attack Dolly out of the clear blue because of our angry reactions when they do. My son once accidentally stepped on Dolly's tail causing her to yelp in pain. At the same time there was an explosion of scared cats trying to get away from the area in fear of being blamed.

Speaking of dogs... We have leash laws but they are not enforced. Everybody lets their dogs run loose. Occasionally dogs will see us and try to come over for attention.  Whether they get the attention or not depends on Dolly's mood. I have seen her stand there and give those dogs the same look she gives my books at night. She stands there head erect and tail up. The dogs see this and they usually go the other way.  Even huge dogs do this. Had I not seen this for myself I would not have believed it or I would believe the big dog was timid. These dogs do not walk away in fear. They show no signs of it. It's like they are saying "Well...OK...I'll stay away if you say so... It makes no difference to me."

Dachshunds are funny little dogs. dolly makes me laugh at least twice a day.


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