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Thursday, December 1, 2011

I am laughing at myself.

I used to think that many owners of small dogs were like this woman who lived in a town in North Missouri.  She was not rich, but well to do, comfortable might be a better term. She was of the upper crust in her town.  She had this poodle she adored.

She would bathe the dog, perfume it, and then send it outside to exercise. The town had no leash laws so the dog was free to roam. Nobody bothered it because it the woman was well liked in her little town. The dog would make it rounds of town and then come home. The woman would welcome her dog home by picking it up and saying something like "Oh Foo Foo give momma a big kiss!!"

The fellow who told me this story lived next door to the lady.  He said that she was very clueless as to what her dog was doing on it's rounds. The dog knew just where to go to get it's favorite food. That particular town did not have a sewer system. In fact many of the homes still had outdoor toilets. Some were well built, some were in bad repair but being used anyway. The dog avoided the homes with well maintained outhouses. The folks who owned the ones in bad repair were OK with the dog visiting them. It kept them from having to clean them out so often.

Fortunately, my little town HAS a sewer system, and those old toilets were torn down long ago. Still I realize that my dog can get into things that I don't like.

I don't care, she can lick my face and ears anyway. It's not like I have a choice. If I don't let it happen I will wake up in the night to find her standing on my head with her front feet, licking my face and ears. I guess she is determined to see to it that her human is well groomed.

I also did not comprehend why people bought clothing for dogs. I now completely understand why, at least in the case of Dachshunds. A doxie has no undercoat. This was bred into them. It helps them to be better able to hunt game underground. A Doxie gets very cold in the winter and my Dolly, even though she's a longhair,  gets very cold when outside.

You have probably guessed where I am going here. Yes I did buy Dolly not one but two coats. I called them Christmas gifts. So I have now done two things I have never done before, Buy clothing for a dog, and buy Christmas gifts for a dog. That little old lady does not seem as foolish to me now.

Oh...I bought Dolly a blanket too. I was frugal. Two coats and a blanket about thirty dollars. I still can't believe that clothing for Dolly actually costs more than clothes for me. I have to buy big and tall clothes and pay extra for them. What would cost a normal person thirty dollars will cost me seventy.
I was able to get a good deal on her stuff because Orscheln's Farm and Home had a great sale going on for the holidays.

Dolly loved the blanket and seems to understand that it was gift from us. She don't exactly like the two coats except for the fact tht she is warmer.

To anyone who might accidentally read this I want to wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy New Year. I'm doing it early just in case I don't post again for awhile.

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