This dog showed up in our neighborhood a few weeks ago.
He is either a Lab/beagle mix or a Golden Retriver/Beagle mix. I am not sure on either one so please leave a comment as to what breeds you think he is. His personality is like that of a beagle.
One of my neighbors feeds him. He comes to me and my wife for attention. It took him awhile to make up with us. he is a bit shy.
He has NO COLLAR. The unwritten rule in my little town is that if you own a dog you put a collar on them or they will be considered strays.
He is NEUTERED. I know this because some of his guy parts are missing. It's one of the oddest neutering jobs I have seen. Usually a vet will leave something behind.
He has average intelligence. I think if I tried I could tech him a few tricks.
My wife and I have named him BUDDY and he answers to that name and he did it immediately. It's possible his owners may have named him that. The name fits his personality.
Speaking of personality. I could go into a very long post on that. I'll try to keep it short. The best i can say about him is that my Miniature Dachshund liked him at first sight. She does not like other dogs and has been known to be rude to the few dogs that have befriended her. When she first sees him in the morning she wags her tail, I've never seen her do her intimidation routine with him. She also likes him because he plays gently with her.
I have only had to tell him NO one time. He obeyed me instantly and then had a sorrowful expression on his face. His moods are easy to read. He loves gentle attention from humans and loves it when you do what I call the "Silly Talk" routine. That's merely talking to your dog in a loving way and saying whatever silly phrase comes in your mind. With Dolly I used to say thigs like "There's my little PeePeePooPooPuppy Youse a goood Dawg!" I did that because when I first got to know her I'd pick her up and she be so excited she'd pee on me." I no longer get pee'd on but on rare occasion I still say that phrase.
Buddy is a bit afraid of cats. My cats feel safe around him and right now are trying their intimidation routine on him. They do this to all new animals that come here. If he passes that test they will love him.
Buddy is VERY laid back. few things excite him. He has excellent manners. I don't know if he is house broke but I'd bet that he is. This is a dog that I just like to set and look at. He only requires a little attention from humans and if you pet him too long he will gently let you know it's time to stop.
I cannot imagine why somebody would dump this dog after having gone to the expense and trouble of neutering. Usually people will dump a dog here because it has a personality problem or a physical problem. Problems like the stray I met several years ago that when I was using my weedeater, tried to bite me. That dog learned quickly no to bite a person with a weedeater and the lesson was by accident. Buddy has none of those issues.
One last thing. I deliberately left some things out of this description. Things that only his true owner would know. I plan to ask a lot of questions if somebody contacts me.I did that to prevent people who are less than honest from claiming him. I want him to go back to his true owners. If he has no owners I want him to go to a good loving home. He deserves that. I have too many pets now but I will take him in if he don't have a home.
I did find the owner to this dog. he actually lives up the street from me. After we talked he put a collar on Buddy. I don't know what they named him. With us he answers to the name of Buddy and that's all that matters to me. That and the fact he has a home. Anytime I whistle for Dolly Buddy will come if he hears me. If he knows we are outside he will come. Buddy's a good smart dog and I am happy he is not a stray.