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Friday, February 1, 2013

The Bone Delimma

So what do you do when you are a Dachshund and you have stolen a nice juicy bone from another dog? This is not just any bone either, it's a bone from a Whitetail deer, it is a leg bone and it's fresh because of the cold weather. Mr. Carl has inspected your bone and says it's safe for you.You love deer meat above all other food. You know where deer comes from and when you are in Mr.Carl's pickup truck you are always on high alert when he drives by places where you have seen deer. Mr. Carl does not hunt but he has friends who give him deer meat.

The first thing you do is sneak the bone home. It's big and you hope that the big dogs don't see it and take it away from you. When you get it home you lay down and proceed to chew the meat off it. You are peacefully enjoying your bone when all at once Mr.Carl calls for you.  He is calling for you to go on a truck ride with him.

You'd rather enjoy your bone first. It's not everyday that you find a nice bone that is almost as big as you are. You know that if you leave it behind another dog will steal it.Mr. C keeps calling. You want to obey him but you want that bone too. You already know that it's too big to take along with you. You also sense that Mr.C has not always allowed dogs to ride in his truck with him and you don't want to do anything to mess that up. So you start tearing at that bone even faster in hopes that you will finish it and then go on your ride. Why must humans always have to be in a hurry all the time??

Mr. Carl sees you with your bone and he does wait but only a short time. He comes over to pick you up. He's acting as if he is not going to pick you up but you already know that this is his favorite trick for picking up a critter that don't want to be picked up. You briefly debate playing the game of " Catch the agile Dachshund" but you decide not to. You know that Mr. C is going to somehow figure out a way for you to have your bone.

When Mr. Carl picks you up you are sad because you let the bone go. Your sadness goes away when you see him pick up the bone too. He then says " Look here Dolly, Your bone will be safe right here." You are now happy because he has put the bone in the pickup bed and he says " No dog will steal it here!"  You let Mr.C. know that you would be happy to ride back there and eat your bone but he will have none of that. 

You go for a nice long ride to Fulton. When you are not looking out the window you occasionally give Mr.C. those long " I love you so very,very, much." looks.  Every once in a while he will say to you "Youse a goood dawg Dollee" You love that baby talk routine that he does."

You finally get home and you are pleased to see that he has not forgotten your bone even though you did for a few seconds.  He hands it to you and you go wave it around in the air Because you are proud of your bone and that Mr.C took care of it.  Unfortunately you have another problem now. It's getting dark and none of your humans allow you to stay outside by yourself. You know that you are pushing your luck too far if you try to take it in the house. You must find a place to hide that bone where it won't be found and you have to do it in a hurry.

Mrs. Gretchen is calling you to come inside.  You ignore her and she goes in to get Mr. Carl. Now is the perfect time. No human is watching so it's time to pull off an intelligent stunt. You run over to Mr. Ray's and Mrs. Teresa's yard.  One of your dog buddies Napoleon lives there. Napoleon lives in a fenced in yard. Napoleon, even though he likes you, does not like too many other dogs. He gets mighty angry when he sees another dog walk close to his territory.

You take your nice bone and you bury it quickly a few inches outside of Napoleon's fence. Right next to where he stands guard most of the time. You know that that he will raise hell with any dog that comes that close. You also know that his barking will distract a dog from smelling your bone. Most importantly you know that he cannot get to your bone.

Mrs. Gretchen comes out again to get you but your bone is buried so you come strutting back home. You are proud that you figured out where to put your nice bone where it is safe and you are now looking forward to an evening of sleeping on Mr.Carl's shoulder.  The only ting you do differently is when you jump up on him. Instead of running up his chest you stop in his lap and you look at him proudly. You hear him laugh and say " Look at her muzzle!" " She still has dirt on it from burying her deer leg" You are even more happy now because you have made your family happy. You walk up his chest and settle in for that long nap.
