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Saturday, January 1, 2011


Yes today was a day of adjustment. Puppy Dolly apparently thinks that since she is home everything is normal. She wants to go outside and bark. She wants to move freely about the house. She definitely wants her cone collar removed. We have removed it for a few minutes at a time under careful supervision. She immediately proceeds to groom herself. Fortunately she is staying away from the stitches.

Another problem is that she is unwilling to pee and poo in her crate. I took a brak at this point in the writing of this. We needed to remove her from her crate for water, food, meds, and hopefully to poo. She was not satisfied with being in my lap. She never really was when she was healthy. She had to be at the top of my recliner functioning as my pillow. The only time she was down in my lap was when she was wanting to lick my face. My face and ears were handier from the top of my recliner.

She was shivering and panting in my lap. We were trying to encourage her to piddle on the pad I had on my lap. She would have none of that business. To her proper Dachshund behavior is to go outside to use the potty. Everything has to be in order. After all we are talking about a dog here who rather than use the floor to potty, once pulled out a trash bag to do her business on when we overslept. She hides her most intelligent actions away from human eyes. Don't expect her to do it in front of anybody.

So Gretchen found a leash and even though it was dark outside took her out to do her business. We were all concerned that we might hurt her or she would hurt herself. Fortunately nothing happened except for Pee Pee. She brought her back in and put her in my lap. She was shivering less but I was using a blanket to wrap her up in. She ate a tiny amount, drank a small amount of water, and took her meds. She still wanted down to explore but we put her back in her crate again. We have an old house woth a lot of drafts so we covered her crate with a blanket to block the cold air.

I had intended my blog here to be a lighthearted account of the daily antics of my miniature dachshund. I don't normally put my feelings out on the net like this as I am usually a very private person. If my posts help prevent even one pet owner to go through what my family and our dog is going through then it is worth it.

1 comment:

  1. If anybody happens to accidentally read this and has tips, advice, or suggestions as to how we can care for her during her recovery PLEASE post a comment.

