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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Surgery Today

Dolly had her surgery today. She had pieces of bone fragment that had moved away from the fracture area. They had to put in two plates and do a bone graft. I figured surgery would be more complicated once they got in there. I usually plan for the worst and hope for the best. I was hoping my bad premonition would not be true but such was not the case.

I had a bad premonition about taking Dolly with me on our frequent visits to Kansas City.  So what I did was just keep an extra close eye on her and made sure she stayed out of trouble.  She's with me on car trips a lot and usually obeys me. I keep her on a leash when out of the car. I thought she was safe in my son's apartment. I had to go out to move my truck. I should have taken her with me. I was out in the parking lot when the doors fell and I can still hear her cries of pain. It keeps playing over and over in my head.

I know about broken bone pain. Back in 1978 I had compression fractures to several vertebrae in my back. A broken bone in my knee courtesy of the flood in October 1986 along with other actually minor incidents. Drugs do not take care of broken bone pain. You hurt and you are doped up at the same time.
Knowing this makes me mourn for Dolly. I'm afraid it will change her personality.

Dolly may be home in a couple of days. I miss her terribly. The cats make little noises and I will think it's her. It upsets my family to see me act this way so I have been keeping it hid more.I need to cut to cut this behavior out and I will. I can't stand the sight of a crying man. I equate it with weakness.

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