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Sunday, December 19, 2010


I wonder if it is typical for Dachshunds to hate cold weather? If I were to judge by Dolly I'd say the answer is a definite yes. She stays inside most of the day. She holds off on doing her business until she can no longer stand it. She sleeps a lot and on really cold days she will burrow underneath the blankets on our bed and sleep there.

If she hears something going on outside that she does not like she will bark but it's a halfhearted bark. It's like she does not really want to go outside to bark at the offending party. In warmer times there is no hesitation. She would let out one "Burf" and then charge to the front door where a barking frenzy would start. In the winter she may let out two or three "Burf's" before she walks slowly to the front door.

She's happy if I go outside but shes only happy for so long. If I am out for what she considers too long she will start her little routine of trying to get me to go back in. This routine is hard to put to words. She does not really do that much except for stand there and look at me anxiously. If I say "Lets go in Dolly" she will do her little happy dance and head for the backdoor of the house. Once in we run to the bedroom and burrow under the blanket.

She does get bored with the bed. When this happens she will perch on my shoulders while I am in my recliner or she will go rest on my sons bed where if the blinds are up she has a commanding view of the front yard through that huge antique window.

For Dolly's sake I hope this winter goes by fast.

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